Ellura Sanctuary, Swan Reach, SA, 5354
Thumbnails: 3.   0 native species (2 introduced) listed, with 0 natives (0 introduced) from Ellura
Animals (Animalia) - Chordates (Chordata) - Ray-finned Fish (Actinopterygii) - Minnows (Cypriniformes); 1 species, none from Ellura - Carp (Cyprinidae); 1 species, none from Ellura
European Carp
Cyprinus carpio

Thank you (NJ852) for confirming the id of this species for us

This one was 4kg, a large fish.
These fish have destroyed the Murray River. Once a clear watered river, it's now murky as these fish filter thru the silt on the river bed looking for food, constantly stirring up the silt.
Imaged 1 on 09-Jan-2005
Animals (Animalia) - Chordates (Chordata) - Ray-finned Fish (Actinopterygii) - Toothcarps (Cyprinodontiformes); 1 species, none from Ellura - Livebearer (Poeciliidae); 1 species, none from Ellura
Eastern Mosquitofish
Gambusia holbrooki

Thank you (Meta4) for identifying and Fubberpish for confirming the id of this species for us

fubberpish said "Yep, bloody things are everywhere, they're a massive problem. they're super hardy fish, produce massive amounts of young very quickly and only take a few months to reach breeding age, so they are able to multiply extremely rapidly and survive in just about any body of fresh water. they were deliberately introduced to eat mosquito larvae - except native Australian fish like the Empire Gudgeon are actually better at mosquito control than the Mosquitofish!"
Imaged 1 on 11-Jan-2023
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