Black Wedge-shaped Beetle
S1, Female, Antennae
Spotted Wedge-shaped Beetle
S1, Female, profile
Spotted Wedge-shaped Beetle (Macrosiagon sp ES02)Class: Animals (Animalia) - Jointed Legs (Arthropoda) - Insects (Insecta)
Order: Beetles (Coleoptera)
Family: Wedge-shaped Beetle (Ripiphoridae)     iNaturalist Observation
Species: Spotted Wedge-shaped Beetle (Macrosiagon sp ES02)
This Photo:     🔍S1, Female, dorsal🔎

Thank you Elliott Gordon (EGordon88) for confirming the id of this species for us

General Species Information:
Found on Ellura (in the Murray Mallee, SA) and elsewhere
~10mm long Female. Males in this genus have very large pectinate antennae.
What a strange looking beetle! It's elytra are semi-transparent making it look more like a sawfly.
The elytra are also very pointed, covering a much smaller area of the body than most beetles. There are few beetles where the hind wings are so visible.

Copyright © 2024-2025 Brett & Marie Smith. All Rights Reserved. Photographed 04-Dec-2024
This species is an Australian Native Species, not listed in the SA Murray Mallee Survey of 2010.