Ellura Sanctuary, Swan Reach, SA, 5354
Status Codes from the Murray Mallee Survey, plus our colour coding to highlight them:
RE Regionally Extinct
CR Critically Endangered
EN Endangered
VU Vulnerable
RA Rare
NT Near Threatened
LC Least Concern
DD Data Deficient
NL Not listed (insects, spiders, mosses & lichens + those species in other SA regions; not in the Murraylands)

Thank you to Tobias Scheid for highlighting to us that some of our species fall under the protection of the National Parks & Wildlife Protection Act.
They have 3 status levels: Endangered, Vulnerable & Rare.
We imported the list and applied our colour codes to matching species on our web site.
On our thumbnail pages we've added a "P-" insignia to their status to highlight they have additional legal status.
All wildlife is protected in Australia, but the act increases penalties for the listed species.

We've created some status codes to highlight non-native species:
H HybridCan push closely related plants out, or hybridise with them in the wild and dilute the gene pool
If Introduced ForiegnOriginally from another country; uses resources needed by native species; stressing them, possibly killing them
Ir Introduced RegionalOriginally from another region in Australia; uses resources needed by locally native species; as bad as Foriegn introductions

This website shows species in family sequence, using text colour & codes to indicate location:
e The species has been seen on Ellura (hence also in the Murray Mallee); written in blue
m The species has been seen in the Murray Mallee Region, but not Ellura; written in brown
r The species has been seen in the Riverland, but not in the Murray Mallee; written in brown
Further Away:
f The species has been seen in the Flinders Ranges, but not in the Murray Mallee; written in brown
a The species has been seen in the Adelaide Hills, but not in the Murray Mallee; written in light green
p The species has been seen in the Adelaide Plains, but not in the Murray Mallee; written in light green
c The species has been seen in Coastal Regions, but not in the Murray Mallee; written in dark green

Status Codes from the SA Butterflies Checklist, plus our colour coding to highlight them:
E Endangered
LLocal (Uncommon)
C Common

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