Ellura Sanctuary, Swan Reach, SA, 5354
1,433 native species from Ellura • 2,036 species (inc introduced) on the web site, of which 1,384 are Research Grade Species • 12,632 example photo's with 5,281 enlarged • 
Latest Multimedia of Older Identifications   Latest Species Identifications
25-Jul-2024 • RA m f c

Drooping Sheoak
 (Allocasuarina verticillata)
   S7, Female, Fruit
25-Jul-2024 • RA m f c

Drooping Sheoak
 (Allocasuarina verticillata)
   S8, Male, A Bunch of Flowers
25-Jul-2024 • RA m f c

Drooping Sheoak
 (Allocasuarina verticillata)
   S9, Male, Flower Buds
26-Jul-2024 • Na c
Limestone Needlebush
 (Hakea vittata)
25-Jul-2024 • LC m a f c

Climbing Sundew
 (Drosera macrantha ssp planchonii)
   S3, Leaf, front
22-Jul-2024 • LC m a f c

Native Cranberry
 (Astroloma humifusum)
   Flower, profile, Narrow Leaves
17-Jul-2024 • Na c

Long-nosed fur seal
 (Arctocephalus forsteri)
   S3 (left) & S2 Sleeping
17-Jul-2024 • Na c

Long-nosed fur seal
 (Arctocephalus forsteri)
   S4 Male, Above, Wet
17-Jul-2024 • Na c

Long-nosed fur seal
 (Arctocephalus forsteri)
   S4 Male, Head, Sleeping
22-Jul-2024 • RA m a c

Whittaker's Sundew
 (Drosera whittakeri)
18-Jul-2024 • RA c

White Correa
 (Correa alba var pannosa)
   Bud & Flower
18-Jul-2024 • RA m c
 (Correa reflexa)
17-Jul-2024 • LC e m f c

South-eastern Singing Honeyeater
 (Gavicalis virescens ssp sonorus)
17-Jul-2024 • Na a c

Wattle Tick Scale
 (Cryptes baccatus)
   Adult Females
17-Jul-2024 • Na a c

Wattle Tick Scale
 (Cryptes baccatus)
   Close Up
17-Jul-2024 • If c

*European Common Starling
 (Sturnus (Sturnus) vulgaris ssp vulgaris)
   Male, profile, Breeding
15-Jul-2024 • Na c
Sandhill Sword-sedge
 (Lepidosperma hispidulum)
15-Jul-2024 • RA m c
Clustered Sword-sedge
 (Lepidosperma congestum)
17-Jul-2024 • LC m r c

Grey Teal
 (Anas (Nettion) gracilis ssp gracilis)
17-Jul-2024 • LC m r c

Grey Teal
 (Anas (Nettion) gracilis ssp gracilis)
   Large Flock
17-Jul-2024 • LC m r c

Grey Teal
 (Anas (Nettion) gracilis ssp gracilis)
   Small Flock
15-Jul-2024 • Na c

Sedge Scale Insect
 (Furcaspis cladii)
14-Jul-2024 • Na c
 (Demospongiae sp)
14-Jul-2024 • Na c

Little White Tellen
 (Tellinota albinella)
16-Jul-2024 • VU m r c

Eastern Great Egret
 (Ardea alba ssp modesta)
   S5, Adult, profile
16-Jul-2024 • VU m r c

Eastern Great Egret
 (Ardea alba ssp modesta)
   S6, Adult, Head, profile
16-Jul-2024 • VU m r c

Eastern Great Egret
 (Ardea alba ssp modesta)
   S7, Adult, Crick in Neck
14-Jul-2024 • Na c

Reddish Trough Shell
 (Austromactra rufescens)
14-Jul-2024 • Na e m

Clown Beetle
 (Saprinus laetus)
   S6, Dorsal
28-Jun-2024 • Na e m
Carcass Beetle
 (Omorgus sp ES04)
   S1, dorsal
16-Jul-2024 • LC e m a p f c

Eastern Crested Pigeon
 (Ocyphaps lophotes ssp lophotes)
16-Jul-2024 • LC e m a p f c

Eastern Crested Pigeon
 (Ocyphaps lophotes ssp lophotes)
   Eye Ring
16-Jul-2024 • RA m r c

Purple Swamphen
 (Porphyrio (Porphyrio) porphyrio melanotus)
   Adult, profile
26-Jun-2024 • Na e m

Finely-lined Carcass Beetle
 (Omorgus sp ES05)
   S1, dorsal
26-Jun-2024 • Na e m
Small-wart Carcass Beetle
 (Omorgus sp ES03)
   S3, dorsal
26-Jun-2024 • Na r

Large Carcass Beetle
 (Omorgus tatei)
   S1, dorsal
16-Jul-2024 • RA m r c

Purple Swamphen
 (Porphyrio (Porphyrio) porphyrio melanotus)
   Adult, Face Shield
16-Jul-2024 • RA m c

Crested Tern
 (Thalasseus bergii ssp cristatus)
   S18, Adult, profile
16-Jul-2024 • RA m c

Crested Tern
 (Thalasseus bergii ssp cristatus)
   S18, Adult, anterior
26-Jun-2024 • Na e m
Arrow-warts Carcass Beetle
 (Omorgus euclensis)
   S1, dorsal
23-Jun-2024 • RA f

Great Sun-orchid
 (Thelymitra grandiflora)
   S1, Bud & Flower Stem
20-Jun-2024 • Na e m a

Bronze Aussie Jumper
 (Helpis sp ES01)
   S11, Male, dorsal
15-Jul-2024 • RA m r c

Australian Darter
 (Anhinga novaehollandiae ssp novaehollandiae)
   Male, Stunning Plumage
15-Jul-2024 • RA m r c

Australian Darter
 (Anhinga novaehollandiae ssp novaehollandiae)
   Male, Chestnut Neck
15-Jul-2024 • RA m r c

Australian Darter
 (Anhinga novaehollandiae ssp novaehollandiae)
   Male, Head
17-Jun-2024 • Na e m

Undescribed Sawfly
 (Clarissa sp)
   S1, Female, dorsal
15-Jun-2024 • LC m p

Four-toed Earless Skink
 (Hemiergis peronii)
   S2, Black Eye
15-Jun-2024 • Ir a

*Fiddler Beetle
 (Eupoecila australasiae)
15-Jul-2024 • LC e m r c

Australian Pelican
 (Pelecanus conspicillatus)
   Adult, profile
15-Jul-2024 • LC e m r c

Australian Pelican
 (Pelecanus conspicillatus)
   Adult, Head, close up
15-Jul-2024 • RA m r c

Great Cormorant
 (Phalacrocorax carbo)
   Drying Off
19-May-2024 • Na e m
Metallic Leaf Roller
 (Eucosma sp ES05)
19-May-2024 • Na e m

Patched Leaf Roller
 (Eucosma sp ES02)
   Dorsal, ~7mm
19-May-2024 • Na e m

Patchy Leaf Roller
 (Eucosma sp ES01)
15-Jul-2024 • NT m r c

Australian Little Pied Cormorant
 (Microcarbo melanoleucos ssp melanoleucos)
15-Jul-2024 • RA m c

Chestnut Teal
 (Anas castanea)
15-Jul-2024 • NT m c

Little Black Cormorant
 (Phalacrocorax (Phalacrocorax) sulcirostris)
   Green Eye
15-May-2024 • Na e m
White-banded Cockroach
 (Zonioploca sp ES01)
   S1, Male, dorsal
14-May-2024 • Na e m a
Net-wing Cockroach
 (Stenectoneura cf margarita)
   S3, dorsal
13-May-2024 • Ih a

*Bullard Donkey-orchid
 (Diuris orientis x pardina)
   Flower, anterior
13-Jul-2024 • Va m c

West Coast Pacific Gull
 (Larus pacificus ssp georgii)
   S2, Adult, profile, Squatting
13-Jul-2024 • Va m c

West Coast Pacific Gull
 (Larus pacificus ssp georgii)
   S4, Adult, Underwing
13-Jul-2024 • Va m c

West Coast Pacific Gull
 (Larus pacificus ssp georgii)
   S6, Juvenile, profile
11-May-2024 • NT m c

Lemon Sun-orchid
 (Thelymitra antennifera)
11-May-2024 • Na f

Plains Spider Orchid
 (Caladenia campestris)
   Flower, profile
11-May-2024 • NT m f

Scented Sun-orchid
 (Thelymitra megcalyptra)
   S1, Flower, Close Up
15-Jun-2024 • Na e m

Red-headed Mouse Spider
 (Missulena occatoria)
   S6, Male, Spinnerets
15-Jun-2024 • Na e m

Red-headed Mouse Spider
 (Missulena occatoria)
   S6, Male, dorsal
15-Jun-2024 • Na e m

Red-headed Mouse Spider
 (Missulena occatoria)
   S6, Male, anterior
10-May-2024 • LC m f

Dwarf Greenhood
 (Pterostylis nana)
10-May-2024 • EN m f

Little Donkey-orchid
 (Diuris palustris)
10-May-2024 • Na f

Bearded Greenhood
 (Pterostylis foliacea)
   S1, profile
18-May-2024 • Na e m

Long-spined Shield Bug
 (Cuspicona longispina)
   S2, Female, Face
18-May-2024 • Na e m

Long-spined Shield Bug
 (Cuspicona longispina)
   S2, Female, dorsal
18-May-2024 • Na e m

Long-spined Shield Bug
 (Cuspicona longispina)
   S2, Female, profile
10-May-2024 • LC m f

Blue Fairy Orchid
 (Pheladenia deformis)
10-May-2024 • EN f

Small Bayonet Spider Orchid
 (Caladenia gladiolata)
   S1, anterior
10-May-2024 • Na f

Star Spider Orchid
 (Caladenia saxatilis)
15-May-2024 • Na a

Purple Helmet Orchid
 (Corysanthes incurva)
   Flower, offset
15-May-2024 • Na a

Purple Helmet Orchid
 (Corysanthes incurva)
   Flower, profile
15-May-2024 • Na a

Purple Helmet Orchid
 (Corysanthes incurva)
   Flower, behind
10-May-2024 • RA m f

Pink Fairies
 (Caladenia latifolia)
05-May-2024 • Na e m a

Undescribed Cutworm Moth
 (Condica sp ES01)
   S1, dorsal
03-May-2024 • Na e m

Dark Line-moth
 (Stibaroma sp ES01)
   S1, Female, dorsal
13-May-2024 • RA m a

Wallflower Donkey-orchid
 (Diuris orientis)
   Flower Stem
13-May-2024 • LC m a

Spotted Donkey-orchid
 (Diuris pardina)
   Flower, anterior
13-May-2024 • LC m a

Spotted Donkey-orchid
 (Diuris pardina)
   Flower Stem, profile
23-Apr-2024 • Na e m
Longheaded Hopper
 (Thanatodictya cf hebe)
13-Apr-2024 • Na e m

Pale Raspy Cricket
 (Paragryllacris sp)
   S1, Male, dorsal
13-Apr-2024 • Na e m

Dark Raspy Cricket
 (Craspedogryllacris sp)
   S3, dorsal, Wings Open
13-May-2024 • RA m a c

Purple Cockatoo
 (Glossodia major)
   Flower, front
13-May-2024 • RA m a c

Purple Cockatoo
 (Glossodia major)
   Flower, with Rain Drops
13-May-2024 • RA m a c

Purple Cockatoo
 (Glossodia major)
   Flower, anterior, close
13-Apr-2024 • LC e m a

Mainland Three-toed Earless Skink
 (Hemiergis decresiensis ssp continentis)
   S1, dorsal
03-Apr-2024 • Na m

Flame-colored Digger Wasp
 (Sphex flammeus)
30-Mar-2024 • Na e m

Confusing Sand Wasp
 (Bembecinus sp ES01)
   S1, Female, profile
05-May-2024 • Na e m

Prominent Zig-zag Moth
 (Commonia hesychima)
   S3, Male, dorsal
05-May-2024 • Na e m

Prominent Zig-zag Moth
 (Commonia hesychima)
   S2, Eggs
05-May-2024 • Na e m

Prominent Zig-zag Moth
 (Commonia hesychima)
   S3, Male, Antennae, profile
29-Mar-2024 • Na e m

Legume Moth
 (Endotricha puncticostalis)
   S1, Male, dorsal
29-Mar-2024 • Na e m

Ringtail Ichneumon Wasp
 (Metopius sp ES02)
   S1, Male, profile
28-Mar-2024 • Na e m

White-shouldered Moth
 (Acontia clerana)
   S1, Female, profile
04-May-2024 • Na e m

Orange-eared Bee Fly
 (Aleucosia obtusa)
   S1, Body, dorsal
04-May-2024 • Na e m

Orange-eared Bee Fly
 (Aleucosia obtusa)
   S1, Antenna
04-May-2024 • Na e m

Orange-eared Bee Fly
 (Aleucosia obtusa)
   S2, Wing Venation
12-Mar-2024 • Na e m a

Convolvulus Hawk Moth
 (Agrius convolvuli)
   S2, Female, dorsal, Body Colour
10-Mar-2024 • Na e m

Tosticauda Resin Bee
 (Megachile (Hackeriapis) tosticauda)
   S1, Female, dorsal
09-Mar-2024 • Na e m

Golden Haired Bee
 (Leioproctus (Leioproctus) maculatus)
   S1, Male, dorsal & Wing Venation
01-May-2024 • Na e m

Giant Crested Grasshopper
 (Macrolopholia sp)
   S4, Female, profile
01-May-2024 • Na e m

Giant Crested Grasshopper
 (Macrolopholia sp)
   S4, Female, profile
01-May-2024 • Na e m

Giant Crested Grasshopper
 (Macrolopholia sp)
   S4, Female, profile
09-Mar-2024 • Na e m

Red Furry Bee
 (Leioproctus sp ES02)
   S1, Female, dorsal
22-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Scotodes Carpet
 (Eucymatoge scotodes)
   Dorsal, as found on the wall (darker)
22-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Foolish Line-moth
 (Stibaroma aphronesa)
   S1, Male, dorsal
13-Apr-2024 • RA e m

Southern Boobook
 (Ninox (Nixon) boobook ssp boobook)
   S2, Eyelid
13-Apr-2024 • RA e m

Southern Boobook
 (Ninox (Nixon) boobook ssp boobook)
   S2, Full-frontal ;-)
13-Apr-2024 • RA e m

Southern Boobook
 (Ninox (Nixon) boobook ssp boobook)
   S2, Claws
21-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Orange-marked Black Leaf Beetle
 (Ditropidus pulchellus)
17-Feb-2024 • Na e m r

Orange Spider Wasp
 (Priocnemis tuberculatus)
   S3, Female, profile
09-Feb-2024 • NT m a

South Australian Tree Frog
 (Litoria calliscelis)
30-Mar-2024 • Na e m a

Clear-winged Striped Bee Fly
 (Villini sp ES01)
   S14, Female, dorsal
30-Mar-2024 • Na e m a

Clear-winged Striped Bee Fly
 (Villini sp ES01)
   S14, Female, Wing Venation
30-Mar-2024 • Na e m a

Clear-winged Striped Bee Fly
 (Villini sp ES01)
   S8, Antenna
05-Feb-2024 • Na e m a

Pittosporum Bug
 (Pseudapines geminata)
   Adult, dorsal
30-Jan-2024 • Na e m a

Calico Stem-borer Moth
 (Cryptophasa rubra)
   S2, Male, dorsal
29-Jan-2024 • Na e m

Metallic Jewel Beetle
 (Melobasis soror ssp soror)
   Elytra Ridges
09-Mar-2024 • Na e m

Gold Nomia Bee
 (Lipotriches (Austronomia) australica)
   S1, Female, dorsal
09-Mar-2024 • Na e m

Gold Nomia Bee
 (Lipotriches (Austronomia) australica)
   S1, Female, Wing Venation
09-Mar-2024 • Na e m

Gold Nomia Bee
 (Lipotriches (Austronomia) australica)
   S1, Female, profile
20-Jan-2024 • Na e m

Silver-faced Black Sand Wasp
 (Bembix sp ES09)
   S1, Female: dorsal
20-Jan-2024 • Na e m

Scarab Wasp
 (Pseudotrielis gilesi)
   S2, Male, profile
18-Jan-2024 • Na e m

Silver-side Longhorn Beetle
 (Rhytiphora lateralis)
   S1: closer
09-Mar-2024 • Na e m

Littler's Masked Bee
 (Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) cf littleri)
   S1, Male, Wing Venation
09-Mar-2024 • Na e m

Adelaide's Shingleback Tick
 (Amblyomma limbatum)
   S2, Female, dorsal, Feeding
23-Feb-2024 • LC e m

Minnie Daisy
 (Minuria leptophylla)
   Every Stage at Once
13-Jan-2024 • Na a

Mottled Katydid
 (Ephippitytha maculata)
   Male, profile
02-Jan-2024 • Na e m

Robust Scarab Wasp
 (Pseudotrielis flavidula)
   S3, Male, profile
02-Jan-2024 • Na e m

Orange-banded Velvet Ant
 (Dasymutillini sp ES05)
   Female, dorsal
22-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Proximate Masked Bee
 (Hylaeus proximus)
   S5, Female, Wing Venation
22-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Proximate Masked Bee
 (Hylaeus proximus)
   S3, Female, Wing Venation
22-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Proximate Masked Bee
 (Hylaeus proximus)
   S4, Female, Wing Venation
02-Jan-2024 • Na e m

Spotted Hairy Flower Wasp
 (Australelis anthracina)
   In Melaleuca
01-Nov-2023 • Na e m

Lichen Double-spot Moth
 (Epicyrtica lathridia)
   S1, Female, dorsal
31-Oct-2023 • Na e m
Twisted Black-spotted Twig Moth
 (Eupselia melanostrepta)
   S1, profile
22-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Elegant Masked Bee
 (Hylaeus elegans)
   S1, Female, profile
22-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Elegant Masked Bee
 (Hylaeus elegans)
   S3, Female, Wing Venation
22-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Elegant Masked Bee
 (Hylaeus elegans)
   S3, Female, Face
31-Oct-2023 • Na e m r

Ticked Conceler Moth
 (Microbela epicona)
   S9, profile
30-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Wattle Snout Moth
 (Pararguda nasuta)
   S1, Male, dorsal
30-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Gum Emerald Moth
 (Prasinocyma semicrocea)
   S1, Male
21-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Golden-browed Resin Bee
 (Megachile aurifrons)
   S11, Female, dorsal
21-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Golden-browed Resin Bee
 (Megachile aurifrons)
   S11, Female, Mandibles
21-Feb-2024 • Na e m

Golden-browed Resin Bee
 (Megachile aurifrons)
   S11, Female, profile
29-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Snail Fly
 (Pherbellia sp)
   S1, dorsal
29-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Cactus Bearing Seed Bug
 (Cysteorrhacha cactifera)
   S5, profile
29-Oct-2023 • Na a

Gum Tree Hopper
 (Platybrachys lurida)
   Dorsal, ~9mm
16-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Spider Cricket
 (Endacusta australis)
   Rotated, Male, Just Shed with Exuviae
16-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Spider Cricket
 (Endacusta australis)
   Rotated, Juvi Fem, Eating it's Exuviae
16-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Spider Cricket
 (Endacusta australis)
   Juvi Fem, Eating it's Exuviae
28-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Banded Heath Moth
 (Dichromodes aristadelpha)
   S1, dorsal
28-Oct-2023 • Na e m
Black Heath Moth
 (Dichromodes MoV4)
   S2, Male, dorsal
18-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Rocky-skinned Leaf Roller Moth
 (Merophyas petrochroa)
   S7, dorsal
16-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Metallic Green Nomia Bee
 (Lipotriches flavoviridis)
   S2, Male, profile
16-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Metallic Green Nomia Bee
 (Lipotriches flavoviridis)
   S2, Male, Antenna
16-Oct-2023 • Na e m a

Short-palped Crane Fly
 (Dolichopeza sp)
   Mostly Males, 1 or 2 Females
15-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Off-marked Heath Moth
 (Dichromodes AH10)
   S8, Male
15-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Dromedary Masked Bee
 (Hylaeus (Euprosopellus) dromedarius)
   Male, Yellow-face Mask
15-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Red-browed Leaf-cutter Bee
 (Megachile erythropyga)
16-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Striped-wing Stiletto Fly
 (Ectinorhynchus sp)
   S2, Male, profile
16-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Striped-wing Stiletto Fly
 (Ectinorhynchus sp)
   S2, Male, dorsal
16-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Striped-wing Stiletto Fly
 (Ectinorhynchus sp)
   S2, Male, Wing Venation
10-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Domino Ground Beetle
 (Homethes sp)
   S1, dorsal
10-Oct-2023 • Na e m
Longhorn Beetle
 (Cerambycidae cf sp ES02)
   S1 Pupa, dorsal
10-Oct-2023 • If e m

*Little Sardinian Beetle
 (Cheirodes sardous)
   S1, dorsal
15-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Southern Armyworm
 (Persectania ewingii)
   S20 Female, profile
15-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Southern Armyworm
 (Persectania ewingii)
   S09 Male, Antennae & Hairy Eyes
15-Oct-2023 • Na e m

Southern Armyworm
 (Persectania ewingii)
   S11 Female, Hindwing
03-Oct-2023 • If e m a

 (Gazania x splendens)
29-Sep-2023 • Na e m
Pale Spotted Mirid
 (Metopocoris sp)
   S1, dorsal
29-Sep-2023 • Na e m a

Jovial Jumping Spider
 (Apricia jovialis)
   S1, Female, dorsal
04-Oct-2023 • Na e m a

Rough Pachymorpha Stick Insect
 (Pachymorpha squalida)
   S2, Male, profile
04-Oct-2023 • Na e m a

Rough Pachymorpha Stick Insect
 (Pachymorpha squalida)
   S2, Male, dorsal, close
04-Oct-2023 • Na e m a

Rough Pachymorpha Stick Insect
 (Pachymorpha squalida)
   S2, Male, Face
25-Sep-2023 • RA m f

Zebra Finch
 (Taeniopygia guttata ssp castanotis)
   Adult, Male, profile
16-Aug-2023 • LC e m r

Needlebush Wattle
 (Acacia rigens)
   Flowers & Phyllodes
08-Aug-2023 • LC m

Pale Twinleaf
 (Roepera glauca)
25-Sep-2023 • LC m f

Australasian Pipit
 (Anthus (Anthus) novaeseelandiae)
   Adult, profile
25-Sep-2023 • NT e m f

Inland Brown Treecreeper
 (Climacteris (Climacteris) picumnus ssp picumnus)
   Adult, profile
25-Sep-2023 • LC e m a p f c

Eastern Crested Pigeon
 (Ocyphaps lophotes ssp lophotes)
   Pair in Courtship
07-Aug-2023 • Na e m
Undescribed Wolf Spider
 (Lycosidae sp ES08)
   S1, dorsal
07-Aug-2023 • Na e m
White-rimmed Wolf Spider
 (Lycosidae sp ES07)
   S1, Male, dorsal
07-Aug-2023 • Na e m

Two-toned Wolf Spider
 (Hoggicosa forresti)
   S1, Male, dorsal
25-Sep-2023 • NT m f

Mainland White-winged Fairy-wren
 (Malurus (Musciparus) leucopterus ssp leuconotus)
   Male & Female
25-Sep-2023 • LC e m f

White-browed Babbler
 (Pomatostomus superciliosus)
25-Sep-2023 • RA m f r

Southern Apostlebird
 (Struthidea cinerea ssp cinerea)
   4 in a Row
05-Aug-2023 • Na e m

Tiger Wolf Spider
 (Hoggicosa castanea)
   S1, Male, dorsal, close
04-Aug-2023 • Na e m
Undescribed Huntsman Spider
 (Isopeda sp)
   S3, Male, dorsal
03-Aug-2023 • Na f

Red-barred Crevice Dragon
 (Ctenophorus vadnappa)
   Male, dorsal
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